Mere leg i skolen!

Mere leg i skolen!

Legen er vævet tæt sammen med den dannelsesopgave, der stadig står centralt i folkeskolens formålsparagraf, og jeg er sågar overbevist om, at mennesker der lærer (og tør) at være legende, også er mennesker, der er bedre klædt på til livet.

The Play Paradigm

The Play Paradigm

Discussions about play are too often blindsided by a lack of common language, a very narrow understanding of play, and a belief that play is only relevant if assimilated into the current paradigm as simple instruments with measurable and predictable outcomes.

What is playful leadership?

What is playful leadership?

“if we want to make it safely and sanely through all the changes coming our way, we’re going to need to come out and play” – Bernie DeKoven Play is, perhaps more than anything, a fundamental source of fun, joy and well-being throughout our lives. It’s not...