Featured posts

News & Events

Materials and Junk-yard Play

Materials and Junk-yard Play

Together with our friends Helle Marie Skovbjerg and Ann Charlotte Thorsted, we have formed a small play club and we recently hosted our second event to play with materials and celebrate junk-yard playgrounds.

Knowledge & Reflection

Play as Participation

Play as Participation

While it may seem trivial to say that play is about participation, it might not be that straightforward. To truly participate is to have some degree of power, and the same goes for play.

Society & Politics

Can Play Save Democracy?

Can Play Save Democracy?

Can play save democracy? It’s a big question and one that I’m afraid I can’t answer in the affirmative. Not yet, probably never. So what if even the best we can ever do will always fall short of “saving” democracy, if we can only hope to keep it alive, or, better yet, to make it come alive?

About CounterPlay

Making Changes

Making Changes

When you play, things change, the world changes, and you change. Now CounterPlay is changing.

Recent posts

The Playful Society Prototype

The Playful Society Prototype

Maybe you have heard us talk about the CounterPlay festival as a "prototype" of the playful society. I'd like to dive a little deeper into that idea, since it's basically the most important reason for the festival to exist. It's our BIG dream to contribute to a strong...

#playchallenge17 1: The floor is made of lava

#playchallenge17 1: The floor is made of lava

JOIN OUR PLAY CHALLENGE!! The CounterPlay Festival 2017 is only five weeks away! To celebrate this, we have a created a number of small challenges to honour ‘The Power of Play.’ Each week we will post a new challenge for you to participate in. All challenges will...

Play to Live

Play to Live

I'm not an expert in brevity, to say the least, but here I'll try to clarify one little thing without too many detours and without going deep into the (important and fascinating) available literature: the purpose of play. Easy, right? There's this constant discussion...

Playing with Power

Playing with Power

I am writing this post in response to the call issued by Mathias in his blog post, to “collect and share bits and pieces that demonstrate the power of play to play with power.” I agree that we live at an interesting moment, when it is worth considering whether...

CounterPlay ’17: Announcements

CounterPlay ’17: Announcements

Having reviewed all the wonderful proposals for CounterPlay ’17, we are immensely happy to present the first big selection of activities and people, who are going to help us make the next festival the best and most playful one yet.

#cplaydk #3: Play in Public Spaces

#cplaydk #3: Play in Public Spaces

On Wednesday, December 7, we discussed "play in public spaces", and wow, what an amazing conversation! This is the third chat, and it's been wonderful to see how "new" people keep joining the community. Twitter is particularly good for this because it is so open, and...

(Don’t do) Playwashing

(Don’t do) Playwashing

“Playwashing describes the situation where a company or organization spends more time and money claiming to be “playful” through advertising and marketing than actually implementing strategies and business practices that cultivate a playful culture in said organization”
