Blog & News

The “What/Why” of CounterPlay

Many people ask: “What is “CounterPlay”? Why should I consider participating?” Read more for an attempt at answering those questions.

Playing at the Edge

The theme of CounterPlay ’19 is “playing at the edge”, and we welcome different forms of proposals that reflect this in one way or another. As always, we are eager to explore play from as many different angles as possible, building on our three pillars: playful learning, playful working and playful living.

CounterPlay Manifesto

While retaining a fundamental openness, curiosity and the capacity to always learn more about the nature of play, with this manifesto we wish to put a stake in the ground and make our position on play clearly visible.



Playing the Archive

Playing the Archive

I was recently in London for a conference in the brilliant and ambitious research project “Playing the Archive”, a project built on the immense legacy of “The Opies”.

Playing at the Edge

Playing at the Edge

The theme of CounterPlay ’19 is “playing at the edge”, and we welcome different forms of proposals that reflect this in one way or another. As always, we are eager to explore play from as many different angles as possible, building on our three pillars: playful learning, playful working and playful living.

Danish posts:

Skab Rum til Leg

Skab Rum til Leg

Hvordan skaber man rum til leg i en verden, hvor legen ofte bliver trængt?   Det spørgsmål stillede vi sammen med legeforskerne Helle Marie Skovbjerg og Ann Charlotte Thorsted på arrangementet "Skab Rum til Leg", der foregik d. 6/12 i Lottes "Play...

Efter CounterPlay ’17: Mere Leg i Samfundet

Efter CounterPlay ’17: Mere Leg i Samfundet

Det har aldrig været meningen, at CounterPlay “bare” skulle være en festival, men derimod en katalysator for mere leg. Vi tror inderligt på, at vi kan bringe nogle festivalens principper, oplevelser og stemninger i spil i andre dele af samfundet.

Det Legende Menneske som Dannelsesideal

Det Legende Menneske som Dannelsesideal

Lad os tale lidt om dannelse. På den ene side virker det som om dannelse har fået en renæssance, hvor begrebet dukker op i alle mulige sammenhænge. Mange taler om dannelse, og det er som udgangspunkt glædeligt, for dannelse er på flere måder en forudsætning for gode...

What if playful people are better equipped to live good lives together in this messy, chaotic world?