Day 3: Co-creating a monument of play
After two intense days of talking, listening, building, dancing and playing, we all probably need a breather and a space to reflect.
What have you experienced during the festival? Did anything make a special impression on you? Do you have new ideas you want to try out?
It’s all about diving into your interests and sharing them with the community. Remember, this festival is not really that important. What truly matters are the changes we, as a community, can make in the societies we live in.
How can we co-create more playful societies?
Through a number of playful, creative, open-ended sessions, we all bring our perspectives and ideas to the table. In the end, we collectively build a physical monument of play that represent our plans, hopes and dreams for a playful future.
Let's begin the third of CounterPlay with a cup of coffee and another injection of playfulness!
Borrowing from the World Café concept, we're experimenting with a creative facilitation of important conversations about play: the World Café is a powerful social technology for engaging people in conversations that matter, offering an effective antidote to the fast-paced fragmentation and lack of connection in today’s world. Based on the understanding that conversation is the core process that drives personal, business, and organizational life, the World Café is more than a method, a process, or technique – it’s a way of thinking and being together sourced in a philosophy of conversational leadership Read more at Photo: Lester Public Library
As postdigital creators we acknowledge the ubiquity of connected and interactive technologies but are fundamentally more interested in humans. We have the freedom to make and play together with and without technology. Using a brand-new fresh from the printers deck of ideation cards, CounterPlay participants are invited to develop and prototype new postdigital approaches to play in public space. This speculative design approach explore the ways in which technology might help us all play together on our own terms and how play can make us more active citizens.
What does the playful future look like? Let's build it together, co creating a physical monument to represent our shared ideas, hopes and dreams about play!
To set the tone and get the ideas flowing, we'll kick off the day with a handful of short, energetic and inspiring pitches.
Welcome // Play session10:00 - 10:30
World Café (hosted by Bart Durand)10:30 - 12:00
Play Discussions - round 112:00 - 12:45
Lunch!12:45 - 13:15
Dom Breadmore: Open Citizens - Designing for Play13:15 - 14:00
Play Session14:00 - 14:15
Co-creating the Play Monument14:15 - 15:30
Wrapping Up!15:30 - 15:45
OpeningOpening09:30 - 09:45
PitchesPitches09:45 - 10:15