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DAY 1 - Closed Sessions

Showing All
Playful Cities
Playful Learning
Playful Working
Playful Living
Main Stage
When we are all together, we will assemble by the main stage at DOKK1
Main Stage
09:30 - 09:45
Opening Speech

Anthea Moys: The Portrait Exchange
09:45 - 10:15
Anthea Moys: The Portrait Exchange
09:45 - 10:15

“I shut my eyes in order to see” – Paul Gauguin

The Portrait Exchange is a perfomative game in blind portrait making en masse! No previous drawing experience necessary. Just a sense of adventure and curiosity.

The performance is a wonderful interactive experience that invites people to take a risk, draw, laugh and play. And be part of a growing collection!


Gwen Gordon: Well Played - The Origins and Future of Playfulness
10:15 - 10:45
Gwen Gordon: Well Played - The Origins and Future of Playfulness
10:15 - 10:45
Playful Living

Playful people have all the luck! According to the research, they’re better partners, smarter students, more successful business people, healthier, happier, and more creative overall. Playfulness is our birthright, yet some of us are clearly more playful than others. That goes for societies too! What is playfulness, exactly? Where did it come from? What makes it possible? What blocks it? And how can we unblock it – not just in ourselves but in our world?

In this interactive presentation we’ll look through the long lens of Attachment Theory and explore the roots of playfulness in the first year of life. We’ll discover how our Playgrounds became Proving Grounds, and Battlefields and what it takes to restore the playground again. Because the shortest distance between your most shut down, fearful self and your playful true nature may be no distance at all.

By Gwen Gordon

Sylvan Steenhuis: Playful Revolution Performance Lecture
11:15 - 12:45
Sylvan Steenhuis: Playful Revolution Performance Lecture
11:15 - 12:45

The Playful Revolution is a movement that strives to re-introduce playfulness into our day-to-day lives. Founded in 2013 the Revolution has been active doing interventions in public space and hosting Play workshops called Play Out’s.

In this Performance Lecture we will cover some theory on designing for Ludic Interventions, pop-up playful happenings. With these theories in mind we will embark on a quest to find ways to incorporate playfulness in our every-day mundane activities. In what way can we challenge ourselves to play with our surroundings? As an example I have challenged myself to slide down the hand-rail of the office building where my studio is in 101 different ways. And how can we challenge our social structures in a playful way? How can we introduce ourselves to someone new without using any words? Should we challenge the way we sit on chairs?

In a Playful Revolution Play Out we will explore different forms of communal Play. With a range of exercises catered to explore different aspects of play be it social, physical or cognitive. Taking inspiration from the New Games Movement and theatre warm-ups it’s a great session with laughter and expression.

Hosted by Sylvan Steenhuis (NL):

Sylvan Steenhuis is an Amsterdam based designer of physical play. After being exposed to Urban Games, during the Bachelor Interactive Performance Design and Games, he got hooked on public space and physical play. He went on to study these practices in his thesis ‘Evoking Playfulness in Public Space by Ludic Intervention’ at the Master of Arts in Performance Design, Utrecht School of the Arts, Netherlands. Currently he is active hosting physical play sessions and working as a freelance designer.

Playful Revolution

Play Talk w00t 2013

12:45 - 13:30
12:45 - 13:30

Nicole Sumner: Play Slam: Spoken Word for Empowered Democracy
13:30 - 15:00
Nicole Sumner: Play Slam: Spoken Word for Empowered Democracy
13:30 - 15:00
Playful Living

Half the power of spoken word and the poetry slam is in effective emceeing. MCs are like skilled leaders of social play- they create an exciting place to try something new, make inclusive play offers and entice skeptics - in short, they Move the Crowd (another term for MC). The focus of this workshop is on both the poem and the MC: democratizing the performance space via play and spoken word.
What does your play poem look like, sound like, feel like? In this non-competitive poetry slam we’ll support each other in remembering, co-constructing and performing our play histories/practices. Moving from heart to voice to stage, we’ll play with rhythm, choral echo and MC tools- this is democraplay at any age!

By Nicole Sumner

Coffee Break
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee Break
15:00 - 15:30

Enrique Perez and Klemen Lilija: Breathing Playground
15:30 - 16:00
Enrique Perez and Klemen Lilija: Breathing Playground
15:30 - 16:00
Playful Living

Breathing is the essence of living, a common action to all human beings. We can choose to be aware of it, but we rarely do.
The purpose of this playful activity is to raise awareness about our own breathing and other people’s breathing and use this mechanism as a tool for empathy, to explore our ability to understand and share feelings with people around us.
Participants will be guided with instructions and technical aids through a series of breathing exercises that will reconnect them with themselves and with those around them by exploring several conditions: proximity, social interaction, timing, awareness through a different predominant sense (visual, sound and kinesthetic) and synchronicity with other people’s breathing rhythms. This playful context will serve as a playground for intimate interactions and expanded (self) awareness.

By Enrique Perez and Klemen Lilija.

Portia Tung: Unleash Your Play Brain - Play Your Way Towards a Happier Adulthood
16:00 - 16:30
Portia Tung: Unleash Your Play Brain - Play Your Way Towards a Happier Adulthood
16:00 - 16:30
Playful Living

Have you lost your mojo or got bored with life? Are you stuck in a rut and can’t quite figure out how to get out of it? Does work keep getting in the way of your dreams? Have you reached a crossroads and don’t know which way to go?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, it’s time to act swiftly before the zombie virus gnaws away the last bit of your brain and stymies forever your chances of turning your hopes and wishes into reality.

Join Portia Tung, Playmaker 001 and founder of The School of Play, on a whirlwind interactive mini adventure through the science and history of play and how play is essential for adult development and well-being. Play your cards right and you'll leave with plenty of ideas to nurture your inner chimp and make more of your inner human's dreams come true.

About Portia Tung:

Portia is an Executive and Business Agile coach, storyteller and wishmaker. Her pursuit to help people realise more of their potential has led to the pleasant yet all together unexpected discovery that play is essential for the lifelong development of adults and not only children. Portia's research on play has led her to live a more playful life, so much so that she has managed to dream The School of Play.

Twitter: @portiatung

Small Stage
Small Stage
Lynn Roseberry: Learning about Inclusive Leadership through Play
11:15 - 12:45
In this workshop participants will play Mosaic®, a facilitated Serious Game, developed on the basis of the book, Bridging the Gender Gap: 7 Principles for Achieving Gender Balance
Lynn Roseberry: Learning about Inclusive Leadership through Play
11:15 - 12:45
In this workshop participants will play Mosaic®, a facilitated Serious Game, developed on the basis of the book, Bridging the Gender Gap: 7 Principles for Achieving Gender Balance
Playful Working

Businesses have been devoting increasing attention and resources to promoting diversity since the early 2000s, but there has been little progress. Recent research suggests that this is because most diversity programs seek to control managers’ thoughts and actions – primarily through “diversity training”.

Laboratory studies show that this approach activates rather than reduces or eliminates bias against women and minorities because people often rebel against such controls: “Try to coerce me to do X, Y, or Z, and I’ll do the opposite just to prove that I’m my own person.”

Companies get better results when they let go of the control tactics. Well-designed Serious Games, i.e. games that have an educational purpose and are not intended primarily for amusement, can help companies do that. The things that make games “games” – rules of play, chance, narrative – cultivate players’ imaginations, encourage face-to-face dialogue, and welcome emotional engagement. These game elements can be used to engage participants in the process of finding their own solutions to the challenges of inclusive leadership.

In this workshop participants will play Mosaic®, a facilitated Serious Game, developed on the basis of the book, Bridging the Gender Gap: 7 Principles for Achieving Gender Balance (Oxford University Press 2014; 2016), by Dr. Lynn Roseberry and Dr. Johan Roos. Mosaic® uses gender as a starting point to encourage participants to discuss and reflect on common diversity-related dilemmas drawn from the real-life experiences of leaders in all kinds of organizations.

Facilitator: Lynn Roseberry, Ph.D., Executive Director of On the Agenda®, a diversity and inclusion consultancy. Dr. Roseberry has more than 20 years of experience working with gender and diversity issues as a lawyer, scholar and in university management. Her research has focused on legal and political issues relating to discrimination on grounds of gender, ethnicity, and religion.

Amanda Page and Meg Lyons: Creating Transformation through Play
13:30 - 15:00
In this workshop You will discover the magic of possibility when the intention to succeed, progress, and advance is served by a playful approach to coaching.
Amanda Page and Meg Lyons: Creating Transformation through Play
13:30 - 15:00
In this workshop You will discover the magic of possibility when the intention to succeed, progress, and advance is served by a playful approach to coaching.
Playful Working

As a coach, are you looking for simple ways to connect your clients back to their childlike wonder, curiosity, and fun in support of their transformations to being the best versions of themselves?

Are you curious about ways to help your clients tap into their innate creativity and curiosity to reveal important values that will in turn lead them to richer lives?

This experiential workshop, led by coaches trained in the Co-Active coaching methodology, will add to your coaching range by introducing you to: tools and techniques to bring play authentically into your coaching ways to connect you and your clients’ values through the power of play approaches to enable your clients to gain fresh perspectives and break through resistance

You will discover the magic of possibility when the intention to succeed, progress, and advance is served by a playful approach to coaching. You will help your clients unlock their playful spirit as part of their transformation and growth.

Through slides and imagery to stimulate thinking, and an emphasis on practice and exercises to embody and embed playful coaching, you will take away practical tools and approaches you can apply to enhance your and your clients’ coaching experience.

This session is for coaches and anyone interested in exploring how to inject the power of a playful approach in coaching interactions, but everyone is welcome!

By Amanda Page and Meg Lyons

Play Session: Inter-charades- cultural - by Hugh Chapman
17:00 - 18:00
Play Session: Inter-charades- cultural - by Hugh Chapman
17:00 - 18:00
Playful Living

Meeting Room 2
Meeting Room 2
Alex Moseley: Work at Play at Work
11:15 - 12:45
Alex Moseley: Work at Play at Work
11:15 - 12:45
Playful Working

We might be playful individuals, but we work in often distinctly unplayful organisations. To consider this problem, join me for a board meeting. We'll sit around a table. We'll have an agenda. We'll have slides. None of us will have read the papers in advance. There may or may not be coffee. Let's see how far down the agenda we get, before someone says "what if we did it like this..."

By Alex Moseley.

Robbie Foulston: Dissolving the Blocks - Giving ourselves permission to play
13:30 - 15:00
Robbie Foulston: Dissolving the Blocks - Giving ourselves permission to play
13:30 - 15:00
Playful Living

In this practical session, we will uncover some of the common obstacles that get in the way of us playing, and how we might use playfulness itself to fully acknowledge them, lighten up around them, and start to gently dissolve them.

Using games, activities and exercises drawn from theatre, mindfulness and self-development traditions, we will look at both the internal and external blocks that can jolt us out of our play-state, or stop us from getting into a play-state in the first place!

We will get curious about where they come from, before discovering the powerful potential of befriending and playing with these blocks, rather than resisting and ignoring them. Finally, we will discuss and explore some tools that might support us in our playing, in order to help give ourselves and others more permission to play.


Robbie Foulston is a theatre facilitator and explorer of playfulness! He is currently curious about what supports, enables and gives us permission to play, and what the potential power of playfulness is, both individually and in society. He studied Theatre and Performance at the University of Warwick, and has trained in general silliness with Holly Stoppit(clown teacher), John Wright (theatre director), Jonathan Kay (international fool), and Jamie Catto (1 Giant Leap, Faithless).

Twitter: @RobbieFoulston

Play Session: Homo Ludens: a playful life for everyone - by Kit Nørgaard Aabjerg
17:00 - 18:00
Play Session: Homo Ludens: a playful life for everyone - by Kit Nørgaard Aabjerg
17:00 - 18:00
Playful Cities
17:00 - 18:00
Playful Living

Teaching Room
Teaching Room
Helle Skovbjerg: ”Can I join?” Playful inclusion
11:15 - 12:45
Helle Skovbjerg: ”Can I join?” Playful inclusion
11:15 - 12:45
Playful Learning

Based on the early stages of a new research project, Helle will present perspectives on and methods to enable participation in playful activities for all children. You can only become a member of a play community if you have sufficient competences for playing and if you have friends to play with. In order to give all children possibilities for being a part of play communities, we need to create inclusive spaces and paths to participation. This is important, since taking part in play is what builds the capacity to play with mates and become great players.

Luca Morini: Together we Play, Divided we Wall: Playfully Hacking Serious Systems
13:30 - 15:00
Luca Morini: Together we Play, Divided we Wall: Playfully Hacking Serious Systems
13:30 - 15:00
Playful Living

The present workshop will explore play within our urban and institutional contexts as a powerful path to promote Cultural citizenship, Media citizenship and Do-It- Yourself citizenship (as discussed by Miller, 2006, and Hartley, 2013), ways of being and appropriating the contexts we live that resist the fragmentation and commodification of our all-too- serious environments, the walls that we often inadvertently contribute to build and that separate us and reduce us to individuals lost in an increasingly machinised systems

To do this, the workshop will showcase and explore a variety of convivial, community oriented tools, design techniques and insights drawing on a broad set of disciplines and practices, among which Pervasive games, Critical Pedagogy, DIY Media production, Participatory Research, Human Ecology and Psychogeography, to collaboratively compose a hybrid playful urban hacking kit grounded in the Rights of Identity, Media Space, Activism, Attention, Production, Affiliation, Gift, and, most centrally, Play.

The workshop will rely both on my transdisciplinary minded facilitation and on the active participation and the specific competencies of its participants to build, examine, remix and then make publicly available (through a variety of documentation techniques) a playful hacking kit, inclusive of tools of technological, conceptual or aesthetic nature, and ultimately provide both participants and the general publics with the means to develop and adapt their own community based playful interventions in urban and institutional environments, ways of collectively tearing down the walls of seriousness, be them physical and metaphorical.


Luca Morini is a nomadic researcher (currently based in the Disruptive Media Learning Lab of Coventry University), who in his (still early) career traversed the fields of Systems Psychology, Media Education, Critical Pedagogy, Ethnography and Game Studies. In short, he plays a lot, tries to make people play against the system, and writes it down so that it looks like science.

Twitter: @LucaMorini11

Transformation Room
Transformation Room
Making the City Playful - Workshop
11:00 - 13:00
Making the City Playful - Workshop
11:00 - 13:00
Playful Cities

If you live in a city - and you don't just want to accept what's there but want to participate in creating and shaping your city and especially your neighborhood? From creative interventions to urban games and civic participation - you can shape the city you live in.

During this workshop, we develop concepts and prototypes that invite citizens to engage in playful activities, shaping and negotiating the rules of public spaces.

Hosted by Gabi Linde.

Making the City Playful - Workshop
11:00 - 13:00
Making the City Playful - Workshop
11:00 - 13:00
Playful Cities

If you live in a city - and you don't just want to accept what's there but want to participate in creating and shaping your city and especially your neighborhood? From creative interventions to urban games and civic participation - you can shape the city you live in.

During this workshop, we develop concepts and prototypes that invite citizens to engage in playful activities, shaping and negotiating the rules of public spaces.

Hosted by Gabi Linde.

Børns ret til leg: Debatmøde om leg, kreativitet og dannelse til fremtiden (in Danish)
13:30 - 15:00
Børns ret til leg: Debatmøde om leg, kreativitet og dannelse til fremtiden (in Danish)
13:30 - 15:00

Politikere, forskere og praktikere diskuterer børns leg og fremtidens krav til kompetencer

Børn har slet ikke samme frihed til at lege som tidligere generationer, og det er et vigtigt politisk spørgsmål, hvordan vi får mere leg ind i børns liv, for vi ved fra forskningen, at fri leg i barndommen er en forudsætning for at udvikle de kreative og innovative kompetencer, der bliver hårdt brug for i fremtidens samfund.

International Play Association Denmark (IPA), Counterplay, Den Gamle By, og BUPL inviterer til debatmøde den 30. marts kl. 13.30-15 i Dokk1 i Aarhus som et led festivalen ”Counterplay '17”.


-> Lotte Rod, medlem af Folketinget, de Radikale
-> Lisbeth Lauersen, medlem af Aarhus Byråd, Socialdemokratiet
-> Morten Skrubbeltrang, generalsekretær for FDF i Danmark
-> Claus Jensen, faglig sekretær, BUPL Aarhus
-> Helle Skovbjerg, lektor, Aalborg Universitet
-> Carsten Jessen, emeritus, Aarhus Universitet og International Play Association Danmark

Debatten bliver modereret af Henrik Tarp Vang, UCC og IPA
This event is in Danish.

Book Reception: "The Power of Play - Voices from the Play Community"
16:30 - 17:00
Book Reception: "The Power of Play - Voices from the Play Community"
16:30 - 17:00

After CounterPlay '16, we started working on a book with members of the play community and now it's ready to present at this year's festival.

Come to learn about the book, meet some of the authors, try a few play challenges, play silly local multiplayer games and experience a playful improv musical performance.

Very Silly Local Multiplayer Games
17:00 - 18:30
Very Silly Local Multiplayer Games
17:00 - 18:30
Playful Living

We reject the idea of online multiplayers. The only sensible way to do social gaming, is being in the same physical space, and share the experience of being competitive and very silly at the same time. We present a collection of multiplayer games who are easy to learn and difficult to master. Like Duck Game, Overcooked, Genital Jousting, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Push Me Pull You and Gang Beasts.

By Jørund Skaug, Lars Gimse, Vibeke Guttormsgaard, Kristine Sevik, The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Education

The Box (Æsken)
The Box (Æsken)
Play, Move and Dance: Discover Your Playfulness Through Your Body.
11:15 - 12:45
In this dynamic workshop you will actively work with your body, exploring your own playfulness through dance and movement.
Play, Move and Dance: Discover Your Playfulness Through Your Body.
11:15 - 12:45
In this dynamic workshop you will actively work with your body, exploring your own playfulness through dance and movement.

In this dynamic workshop you will actively work with your body. You will explore your own playfulness through dance and movement. In the session, you will experience playful and easy-to-do creative assignments to help you instantly feel increased energy, greater ease of movement and more joyfulness & flow in your body. This engaging session allows you to reconnect with your body's wisdom, creativity & aliveness and to connect with others in a playful way.

The workshop offers you the opportunity to discover yourself in a creative way. The workshop is all about fun & movement, not about executing the perfect dance. In this workshop, it’s about your dance! It's about passion, energy, sensation and creative expression. Dive into the experience, meet other people and get to know each other through your own creativity. Play will be the main ingredient. Come and discover your playfulness: move a little, shake a little and laugh a lot.

By Stephan Marchant

Andrea Flueck von Planta, Bertha Camacho, Babette Pfander & Nadia von Holzen​: Playful Leadership Concert
13:30 - 15:00
Andrea Flueck von Planta, Bertha Camacho, Babette Pfander & Nadia von Holzen​: Playful Leadership Concert
13:30 - 15:00
Playful Working

We explore the power of play with focus on leadership, by providing a platform for experiential learning: An "orchestra" of 10-20 people, and one person designated as the conductor of the orchestra. He/she leads the team in the performing an improvised piece of music. There are only very few rules, the main task is to tap into the possibilities of the group. The experience and insights are explored in a subsequent dialogue. With this play, participants get to see important aspects of leadership, such as the fact that the director him/herself does not make the sound, that the beauty of the sound is created by people showing up their potential, that a leader needs a high sensory capacity for his co-workers. The play speaks to all aspects of being human (head, heart, hands), which potentially leads to an internalisation of the experienced learnings.

Nadia von Holzen​ is an independent advisor for knowledge sharing and institutional learning processes. Her business is supporting networked collaboration and peer-to-peer learning. Nadia has a Masters in Pedagogics and degrees in Evaluation and in Development Studies. Nadia is a passionate explorer and learner, and loves connecting people and ideas.

Babette Pfander ​studied anthropology, economics and political science. She spent several years in international cooperation, also working in Africa and Asia. As an independent consultant she is passionate about deep communication, institutional learning and change as well as process facilitation. She is a trained coach for individuals and teams.

Andrea Flueck von Planta​ is an independent mediator & coach, facilitator and trainer. Her professional dedication is in leading creative and interactive processes where mutual and new learning is empowered. Andrea studied Pedagogics and has a Master in Law and in International Development Cooperation.

Bertha Camacho ​is an experienced international development consultant working for Skat Consulting Ltd. Participatory management and organisational learning are two or her main competences. Bertha is passionate about embracing dialogue, learning and co-creation processes in her work. She studied Sociology and Development Studies.

Project Room 1
Project Room 1
Den Gamle By: Revisiting Folk Games
11:15 - 12:45
Den Gamle By: Revisiting Folk Games
11:15 - 12:45

The Old Town Museum has spent years working on historical games. This can been seen through schooling and theme weekends based on how people played games back in the days and how games have evolved for most adults did to those most children did. In 2006, The Old Town Museum collaborated with Gerlev Legepark (Gerlev park), Odense Bys Museum(Odense City Museums), Madkulturen (Food culture), DR, researchers from University of South Denmark and Roskilde University on a project called “Børneliv i 200 år” (Children’s life throughout 200 years).

In the workshop, you can learn more about The Old Town Museum, Børneliv i 200 (Children’s life throughout 200 years), the strategic use of games in communication, and the fundamental principles which The Old Town Museum focuses on communication, education and activities for children. In addition, you can experience a wide variety of historical games, the trends in games and its development through time.

Sarah Huxley: The Toybox Mum’s Collective Story: What next?
13:30 - 15:00
Sarah Huxley: The Toybox Mum’s Collective Story: What next?
13:30 - 15:00
Playful Living

The Toybox Mum’s Collective is a project for young mothers to become inventors: co-designing hybrid toys and reclaiming a valued position in society.

It aims to use human centred design, storytelling, and play therapy to tackle these issues: 1) Young mothers need a platform from which they can challenge stereotypical views of them as a ‘burden on society’, and present themselves, as they truly are: dynamic, powerful and creative. 2) The twentieth century has been a period of labour/ work and the neo-liberal project, which has resulted in a grossly unequal world. In our small way, we believe in the power of play, and a mother’s role to challenge this. 3) Mothers should be the inventors, and not simply passive recipients, or consumers on behalf/ for their children. Toys are imbued with so much meaning – how children are gendered, how they should learn and what they should learn. Mothers have a right to be engaged in the process: shaping social norms, as well as nurturing their own self-belief.

In this session, Sarah will explain how Toybox Mums originated, as well as harvesting your ideas for what next. It will involve swimming in a story, making some noise and playful group work! Sarah will begin by taking you through her journey, then an overview of the inception workshop in Nairobi, and finally getting you to grapple with some of the questions emerging. What should be the trajectory for Toybox Mums? Come and co-create."

About: Sarah is a youth and child rights enthusiast. She is a trained social anthropologist with over 15 years’ experience working in the International Development sector focusing on participatory programs, research and policy. Her work focuses on co-creating the physical and intellectual spaces for young women and men to tackle the social injustices that they and their wider communities face. Follow Sarah on Twitter: @AidHoover]

Project Room 2
Project Room 2
Gavin Wilson: "Cell cinema" and the Art of Playful Filmmaking
13:30 - 15:00
This talk, and the practical workshop that accompanies it, will investigate important aspects of mobile phone filmmaking as an emergent media form, allowing participants to make short films
Gavin Wilson: "Cell cinema" and the Art of Playful Filmmaking
13:30 - 15:00
This talk, and the practical workshop that accompanies it, will investigate important aspects of mobile phone filmmaking as an emergent media form, allowing participants to make short films

Through engaging in play with a mobile phone, we also do something serious.

The mobile phone has evolved to become an apparatus for creative filmmaking, sometimes with serious intent. This talk, and the practical workshop that accompanies it, will investigate important aspects of mobile phone filmmaking as an emergent media form, allowing participants to make short films using the cameras within mobile phones and commonly available apps. Therefore, our aim will be to indulge ourselves in play with serious intentions.

The phone film becomes a gift to be shared between participants, experienced and enjoyed for what it is – the gift of playful intention.”

Study Hall
Study Hall
Playful City Roundtable
13:30 - 15:00
Playful City Roundtable
13:30 - 15:00
Playful Cities

We’re inviting festival participants, local stakeholders and the general public for a roundtable debate about the playful city. We wish to combine the local and the international perspectives, and hopefully spark more discussions and initiatives.

- What does it mean for a city to be playful? - Who benefits from making a city playful? - How do we develop urban spaces in ways that invite citizens to interact playfully with each other and the surroundings?

Hosted by CounterPlay with participation of the Municipality of Aarhus (represented by city architect Stephen D. Willacy).

DAY 1 - Closed Sessions
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Play Space Events - Thursday

The Ramp - Step 1
The Ramp - Step 1
The Den
10:00 - 18:00
The Den
10:00 - 18:00

A space to play...with the space itself, with the other participants, with ideas in a physical way.

A space to reflect...on the questions being asked, on the new concepts we're discovering, on our own playful practice.

A space to wonder (and wander!)...to explore possibilities, to build utopias, to envision the potential for play in the world.

The Den is inspired by the research project "The Dark Would" established in May 2014 and is based at the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) at the University of Warwick.

By Robbie Foulston.

The Den - A Warm Welcome
10:45 - 11:10
The Den - A Warm Welcome

A not-so-formal opening of The Den, offering participants the opportunity to lose themselves in this playful space, to reflect on their own experiences of play and to start playing with some of the ideas & questions that are likely to re-occur during the conference.

The Den will then be open to play in for the duration Counterplay '17

By Robbie Foulston

The Ramp - Step 3
The Ramp - Step 3
Food Maker: Vi leger med mad!
09:30 - 13:30
Kom og leg med mad! Under CounterPlay Festivalen kommer Food Maker og Aarhus Mesterskaberne i Grød forbi Dokk1.
Food Maker: Vi leger med mad!
09:30 - 13:30
Kom og leg med mad! Under CounterPlay Festivalen kommer Food Maker og Aarhus Mesterskaberne i Grød forbi Dokk1.

Under CounterPlay Festivalen kommer Food Maker og Aarhus Mesterskaberne i Grød forbi Dokk1.

16-28 årige får mulighed for at droppe forbi Food Makers cykelkøkken og være kreativ med en grød. Herefter kan man komme forbi cykelkøkkenet og kreere et supplement til sin frokost i en mini-workshop, hvor der leges med maden.

Food Maker er en bevægelse omkring unge og madglæde i Aarhus. En stor andel af unge i alderen 16-28 år giver udtryk for, at de mangler håndelaget til at lave den mad, de har lyst til. Den udfordring vil Food Maker forsøge at imødekomme. Food Maker giver unge evner til at lave den mad, de har lyst til, og på den måde oplever de den frihed, der følger med, når man lærer nye evner.

I fremtiden skal det være ligeså almindeligt at tage en ven i hånden og mødes for at lave mad, som det er i dag at mødes for at løbe en tur eller tage på café. Det er den bevægelse, Food Maker skaber!

Se mere på foodmaker.dk

The Square
The Square
Museum of Random Memory (MORM)
09:30 - 18:00
Museum of Random Memory (MORM)
09:30 - 18:00

A Secret Club: The Retrographic Studio
11:00 - 13:30
A Secret Club: The Retrographic Studio
11:00 - 13:30

Visit the Retrographic Studio on Thursday to get that photo of your fabled great-great-grand uncle that you always wished you had taken when you had the chance. Get a living relative or adopt a relative to snap a retrogram® as you pose as your thirtysecond cousin on your aunts side - complete with her pet owl and her weaponry!

By: A Secret Club

The 2017 Area
The open space in the corner above the ramp to the left.
The 2017 Area
Stupid Ideas for Silly People
09:00 - 18:30
Stupid Ideas for Silly People
09:00 - 18:30

All of us can be creative as long as we practise through ideas, material and expressions. Yet, our creative mind can be stopped by doubts that we always need to create something which is beautiful or useful.

What if the whole process is not about creating something beautiful, useful and thorough? What if we consider this creative process as a playful one in which the sky is the only limit?

Join us in the open idea workshop and use your imagination to build your most crazy ideas using cardboard, wood and old toys! You don't need to have a specific purpose and it's not necessary to know what you end up with. Maybe you want to make toys for your invisible friend or an invention nobody can use? The sky is the only limit in this workshop.

The Open Stage
The Open Stage
Den Gamle By: kom og leg historiske lege / historical games
09:00 - 11:00
Den Gamle By: kom og leg historiske lege / historical games
09:00 - 11:00

Historisk leg

To aktører fra Den Gamle By vil instruere i, og fortælle om, forskellige lege, som kan dateres langt tilbage i tiden. Mange af legene kender man også fra skolegården i dag, en del af legene har udviklet sig over tid til moderne udgaver og andre lege kan nu få sin renæssance. Her vil være mulighed for at deltage i forskellige former for fangelege, små boldspil, sanglege og meget mere.

Historical play/games

Two historical instructors from The Old Town will instruct and tell about the old games and their developments. Many of the games is known from the danish playgrounds today, some has developed into new versions and some deserves to get their renaissance. It will be possible to participate in different kinds of tag, ballgames, singing games and more.

Arrangeret af Den Gamle By.

Bart Durand: Blowing Giant Bubbles
11:00 - 12:00
Bart Durand: Blowing Giant Bubbles

Join Monsieur Bart in blowing beautiful giant and small bubbles, creating a magical “bubble symphony".

Den Gamle By: kom og leg historiske lege / historical games
13:00 - 15:00
Den Gamle By: kom og leg historiske lege / historical games
13:00 - 15:00

Historisk leg

To aktører fra Den Gamle By vil instruere i, og fortælle om, forskellige lege, som kan dateres langt tilbage i tiden. Mange af legene kender man også fra skolegården i dag, en del af legene har udviklet sig over tid til moderne udgaver og andre lege kan nu få sin renæssance. Her vil være mulighed for at deltage i forskellige former for fangelege, små boldspil, sanglege og meget mere.

Historical play/games

Two historical instructors from The Old Town will instruct and tell about the old games and their developments. Many of the games is known from the danish playgrounds today, some has developed into new versions and some deserves to get their renaissance. It will be possible to participate in different kinds of tag, ballgames, singing games and more.

Arrangeret af Den Gamle By.

Transformation Lab
Transformation Lab
Making the City Playful - Workshop
11:00 - 13:00
During this workshop, we develop concepts and prototypes that invite citizens to engage in playful activities, shaping and negotiating the rules of public spaces.
Making the City Playful - Workshop
11:00 - 13:00
During this workshop, we develop concepts and prototypes that invite citizens to engage in playful activities, shaping and negotiating the rules of public spaces.

If you live in a city - and you don't just want to accept what's there but want to participate in creating and shaping your city and especially your neighborhood? From creative interventions to urban games and civic participation - you can shape the city you live in.

During this workshop, we develop concepts and prototypes that invite citizens to engage in playful activities, shaping and negotiating the rules of public spaces.

Hosted by Gabi Linde.

Børns ret til leg: Debatmøde om leg, kreativitet og dannelse til fremtiden
13:30 - 15:00
Politikere, forskere og praktikere diskuterer børns leg i lyset af fremtidens krav til kompetencer
Børns ret til leg: Debatmøde om leg, kreativitet og dannelse til fremtiden
13:30 - 15:00

Politikere, forskere og praktikere diskuterer børns leg og fremtidens krav til kompetencer

Børn har slet ikke samme frihed til at lege som tidligere generationer, og det er et vigtigt politisk spørgsmål, hvordan vi får mere leg ind i børns liv, for vi ved fra forskningen, at fri leg i barndommen er en forudsætning for at udvikle de kreative og innovative kompetencer, der bliver hårdt brug for i fremtidens samfund.

International Play Association Denmark (IPA), Counterplay, Den Gamle By, og BUPL inviterer til debatmøde den 30. marts kl. 13.30-15 i Dokk1 i Aarhus som et led festivalen ”Counterplay '17”.


-> Lotte Rod, medlem af Folketinget, de Radikale
-> Lisbeth Lauersen, medlem af Aarhus Byråd, Socialdemokratiet
-> Morten Skrubbeltrang, generalsekretær for FDF i Danmark
-> Claus Jensen, faglig sekretær, BUPL Aarhus
-> Helle Skovbjerg, lektor, Aalborg Universitet
-> Carsten Jessen, emeritus, Aarhus Universitet og International Play Association Danmark

Debatten bliver modereret af Henrik Tarp Vang, UCC og IPA

Study Hall
Study Hall
Playful City Roundtable
13:30 - 15:00
Playful City Roundtable
13:30 - 15:00

We’re inviting festval participants, local stakeholders and the general public for a roundtable debate about the playful city. We wish to combine the local and the international perspectives, and hopefully spark more discussions and initiatives.

- What does it mean for a city to be playful? - Who benefits from making a city playful? - How do we develop urban spaces in ways that invite citizens to interact playfully with each other and the surroundings?

Hosted by CounterPlay with participation of the Municipality of Aarhus (represented by city architect Stephen D. Willacy).